3 Tips and Tricks to Help You Become an AirBnB Superhost


A Guide to Superhosting

AirBnB has reigned supreme in the vacation rental industry for some time now. There’s little argument that becoming highly-ranked and visible on this site is a huge determining factor in jam-packing bookings on your short-term rental. Unlocking the secrets behind the search algorithm on AirBnB can turn into a puzzle, but there is one way to improve your visibility: becoming an AirBnB Superhost.

The Superhost program aids guests in finding accommodations with the best reviews and rankings, and owners with Superhost status will find that it offers a few perks to them as well. Today, we’ll take a look into the AirBnB Superhost program, what the guidelines are for becoming one, and a few tips and tricks we’ve learned to help you land this coveted status as a host.

What is an AirBnB Superhost and What Are The Perks?

Hosts on AirBnB must meet a few requirements in order to become rated as a Superhost, and these requirements demonstrate Superhosts as renting out the top-tier vacation rentals on the site. Every three months, AirBnB awards Superhost status to hosts who have the highest ratings, respond to guests in a timely manner and rarely cancel on guests.

There are a few perks that come along with becoming a Superhost. These include:

  • A Superhost badge on all of your profile

  • A dedicated search filter (i.e. guests can filter their search only to include Superhosts)

  • A $100 AirBnB coupon for each year you maintain your status

  • Extra promotion to guests on AirBnB emails

  • Access to new features while they’re in beta

Insight into AirBnB Superhost Guidelines

In order to become a Superhost, there’s a few metrics that you must meet.

  • A star rating of 4.8 or above

  • A minimum of 90% response rate in guest communication

  • 10 or more completed stays (or 100 nights over a minimum of 3 stays)

  • Less than 1% cancellation rate

If you aren’t there yet, however, don’t worry. Every three months, you have a chance to earn this status, and we’ll give you some tips and tricks below to help you get there.

Tips and Tricks to Becoming and Staying a AirBnB Superhost

In the highly-competitive world of vacation rentals, becoming more visible on AirBnB can be a big boost. We’ve outlined a few ways to help you achieve that coveted Superhost status, and keep it.

#1: Cancel Only in the Most Dire of Circumstances

One of the easiest ways to make the shift into the mindset of a Superhost is to remember that your cancelation rate must be incredibly low in order to qualify. This means that you’ll want to minimize any chance that you’ll have to cancel a guest’s stay by figuring out your owner stays and scheduled maintenance dates far in advance. Once you have that figured out, you can block out those dates so there will be a much smaller chance you’ll have to cancel a guest’s booking.

#2: Encourage Guests to Leave Reviews

Another important aspect of becoming a Superhost is to remember that in order to maintain a high star rating, guests must leave reviews. In every way you can, try to remind guests to leave reviews, whether that’s leaving them a personal note or sending them a quick message after their stay is completed.

This is also another reason to do everything to ensure a guest feels at home while they’re in your rental. If they have a great time, they’ll be more likely to give you a five-star review.

#3: Stay On Top of Guest Communication

As the qualifications for the Superhost program state, keeping up a response rate of 90% to guests is essential for earning this top-rated status. Even if you’re a busy person with a full-time job, responding to guests must become one of your number one concerns if you want to qualify for the program and enhance your visibility on AirBnB. Before, during, and after the stay, keeping in touch with guests not only helps them feel at home, it also shows that you are a host who cares and values their communication.


How LocalVR Can Help You Become an AirBnB Superhost–Without the Hassle

AirBnB Superhosts have access to a number of benefits, and becoming one isn’t all that out of reach when you take the time to minimize cancellations, ask guests for reviews, and stay on top of communication.

However, not all property owners have the energy or available time to be able to manage all aspects of a successful short-term rental. That’s where LocalVR comes in–we take all of the hassle out of managing your vacation rental and put it in the hands of our local experts. With our property management team on your side, you won’t have to worry about being in contact with guests or asking for reviews–that’s all included in our five-star services.


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